DIC @ M.O.E Concept

Design-centred innovation is a force multiplier that can help the country move up the value chain, making Indian industry globally competitive. In this context, Ministry of Education proposes to launch a National Initiative for Design Innovation in the Twelfth Plan.


The IIT (BHU)  –  BHU Design Innovation Centre is to provide a platform to students and faculty members having zeal for learning and creativity, and passion to convert their creative ideas into significant, more viable design innovations.

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Concept of DIC

Design Innovation Centre (DIC) is a joint project of the Indian Institute of Technology – IIT (BHU)  and collaboration with  Banaras Hindu University (BHU) to be funded by the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2015.

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Upcoming & Recent Events

  • DIC, I.I.T.(BHU) sponsored visit of faculty members visited the cluster of Gulabi meenakari, Varanasi

    Varanasi the legendry and oldest city of the world, has since times immemorial, been hailed as a premier centre for


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Design Innovation Centre, Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual

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