Structure of BHU - IIT (BHU) Design Innovation Centre

Design Innovation Centre (DIC) is a joint project of the Indian Institute of Technology – IIT (BHU) and collaboration with Banaras Hindu University (BHU) to be funded by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2015.


The IIT (BHU) – BHU Design Innovation Centre is to provide a platform to students and faculty members having zeal for learning and creativity, and passion to convert their creative ideas into significant, more viable design innovations. The motive for same is “To assist design and development of feasible projects at the department and DIC itself”, of course, the other benefits derived from same will be enhanced with hands-on experience and realization of good working projects.

The basic purpose of setting up BHU - IIT (BHU) Design Innovation Centre is to promote:

  • Culture of innovation and creative problem solving.
  • Knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst industry, academia, government Institutions, research laboratories, etc.
  • To focus interdisciplinary design focused innovation and creativity.
  • To facilitate evolution of new models of academia- industry interactions as well as academia-social interactions and develop institutional networks for innovations in the thematic areas. Besides above said parameters DIC will also work for its sustainability.
  • Coordination for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) works.
  • Establish an Innovation gallery where earlier, current and future works (Patents, Prototypes, Ideas generation)of Design and Innovation will display for further research.
  • Provide Digital Media facility for Students, Faculty and Artisans of local area including Web Design, Short Films, Animation films and educational contents, E-content development, Mobile Applications, Branding and Marketing for its innovative works.
  • Facilitate to Artisans and local entrepreneur about Design and Innovation.

Role of IIT (BHU) in HUB position

IIT (BHU) will specifically will be taking care of Technological and Engendering aspect related to Design and Innovation projects and course and further, will be mainly involved in Prototyping and final development of the projects.

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Role of BHU in HUB position

BHU will be taking care of the multidimensional Design & Innovation projects and courses respectively in the area of Agriculture, Food processing, Art & Culture, Health, Humanities, Branding for Artisans – Handicrafts (Aesthetics, Ethics, Values, Print Media, Web and management support).

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Main Focus

The present DIC is planned with multidisciplinary approach, and will be focusing mainly on the following key areas of social and national importance. Agriculture, Art & Culture, Energy, Environment, Language and Computing, Science and Technology


IIT (BHU) and DIC BHU with its SPOKES running more than 40 different types of projects related to Agriculture, Environment, Art, Culture, Science, Social Science, Technology, Nanotechnology and another related area of the academic and society. DIC BHU established Graphic and Digital Media Lab with highly equipped computers and other technological hardware. DIC BHU also established the Digital Innovation Gallery for the Demonstration of Innovative project in Digital format for researchers and students. DIC BHU already run more than 5 different type of programs for the awareness of Design and Innovation in students and it will also run a Diploma/Certificate course in Design and Innovation.