New Updated Merit list 1st FEB 2021
6 Month Certificate Course “Design Innovation” Merit List
2 Month Certificate Course “Interactive Web and Mobile Application Development” Merit List
Counselling Link –
For 6 Month Certificate Course “Design Innovation” – https://forms.gle/TvNVuD9BjytNQHyZ8
For 2 Month Certificate Course “Interactive Web and Mobile Application Development” – https://forms.gle/2Xz2nrtcxXSv4bMr9
(Counselling Link through Google Form including submission of supporting academic document(PDF) will be active till Wednesday, 4th February 2021, 10 AM)
Please check this below PDF your email for the category and reply on diciitbhu@gmail.com till 05 PM, Saturday 30 th Janaurry,2021
After that, no grievances will entertain
For the course syllabus please check this link – http://diciitbhu.com/dic-bhu-courses-2021/
I have shortlisted in the 2 MONTH CERTIFICATE COURSE “INTERACTIVE WEB AND MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT” MERIT LIST, Rank 2, general. But I didn’t receive any counseling link yet.
Due to reservation policy, and some participant’s wrong email id, There are some changes in the Merit list, We will update the new merit list with a counseling form link soon…
counselling link has not been active yet
Due to reservation policy, and some participant’s wrong email id, There are some changes in the Merit list, We will update the new merit list with a counseling form link soon…
Sir i haven’t Received any google form link for document submission yet
Due to reservation policy, and some participant’s wrong email id, There are some changes in the Merit list, We will update the new merit list with a counseling form link soon…
From where would the counseling link be available?
Due to reservation policy, and some participant’s wrong email id, There are some changes in the Merit list, We will update the new merit list with a counseling form link soon…