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Department of Science & Technology (Government of India) Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institutes (SATHI)
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has initiated setting up Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institutes (SATHI) at Banaras Hindu University, IIT, Delhi, and IIT Kharagpur.
These Centres will be equipped with major analytical instruments and advanced manufacturing facilities, which is usually not available at Institutes / Organizations. The aim is to provide professionally managed services with efficiency, accessibility, and transparency of the highest order under one roof to meet the demands of industries, start-ups, academia, and R & D Labs. The Department of Science & Technology (DST) also plans to set up 15 more centers in the near future.
Details of the same may be found from:
The DST-SATHI CENTRE, BHU plans to conduct a competition to design a LOGO for DST-SATHI CENTRE, which will be generic and used by all SATHI centers across the country. The logo would give a visual identity to DST-SATHI CENTRE, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The LOGO & design should capture the importance of the Science & Technology the ecosystem in the country and essence of the organization according to the objectives and the functions of DST-SATHI.
The participants are also requested to submit a half-page write up on the designed LOGO to describe the meaning and significance of tools, shades, colors used and also the reason why LOGO is useful and suitable for the newly established regulator- DST-SATHI. The first two suitable LOGO finalized by the evaluation committee will be awarded Rs. 25,000/- each and will participate in the national competition organized by the DST. The best LOGO selected by the empowered committee will get an award from DST, New Delhi and will be used by all centers. The last date for submission is by midnight on 8th January 2020.
For Any Enquiry, Please Contact,
The Coordinator,
Director Office, Institute of Science
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005