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Design Innovation Centre BHU and IIT (BHU) established a ‘DIGITAL INNOVATION GALLERY’ at Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. In this gallery all the Innovation works of BHU and IIT (BHU), which already done or still running i.e. Ideas, Prototypes, Copyright, and Patent items will be displayed in Digital form. Three Digital display unit already installed in gallery with audio facility where researcher can work on that and student will visit and understand about Innovation.
Now, DIC BHU & IIT (BHU) is inviting the proposal for display of your innovative works in Digital format (JPG, A4 Landscape size, PPT, Prezi or Audio Video Format). If you require any help for preparation of your work in digital format i.e. Photography (still/Video), PPT, Scanning etc. DIC volunteers will happy to help you. Centre assured you that the works will display only for the research and academic purpose.
For more information please contact Dr. Manish Arora, Coordinator. You may also provide above information at diciitbhu@gmail.com and for more information you may visit www.diciitbhu.com