DIC, I.I.T.(BHU) sponsored visit of faculty members visited the cluster of Gulabi meenakari, Varanasi
Varanasi the legendry and oldest city of the world, has since times immemorial, been hailed
as a premier centre for some of the finest handicrafts. The craftsmen of Varanasi have been
producing some of the finest crafts since generations that have been praised and valued
throughout the world. Gulabi Meenakari is one such unique and authentic example of
Recently a teams of faculty members visited the cluster of Gulabi meenakari at Gay Ghat
Varanasi and met the celebrated artisans working on this beautiful craft. The following
faculty members were present in the team
1. Prof K. K. Singh (Professor of extractive metallurgy)
2. Dr. Vikas Jindal (Professor of extractive metallurgy)
3. Dr. Kausik Chattopadhyay ((Professor of mechanical metallurgy)
They were accompanied by Staff of Design Innovation Centre (DIC), I.I.T.(BHU) Mr. Ashish
Mishra and staff member of Handicraft Development Office of Varanasi, Mr Rajesh Kumar
The teams spent time with the artisan, and observed the intricate work carried out by the
artesian on precious metal particularly silver. The various steps involved in process were
explained and demonstrated to the faculty members by the artesian. The faculty members
also discussed the issues faced and challenges faced during the process and interventions
needed from I.I.T.(BHU). The meeting was very fruitful, because the flow of knowledge was
both ways and it led to opening of following opportunities:-
1. Projects works related to this celebrated metal working can be assigned as B. Tech.
and Exploratory projects to the students of I.I.T.(BHU) particularly related to the
development of hand-tools and design and fabrication of heat treatment furnace
that is temperature controlled and properly calibrated.
2. A group of artisans would be invited to I.I.T.(BHU) to demonstrate the latest
machine related to metal working.
Some of the photographs of the event is attached below