National workshop
National workshop on Techniques in hyper spectral data analysis and processing
From 29th May to 3th June 2017, at IESD, BHU
Mentor of Workshop
- Prof. Saumitra Mukherjee ,Dean, SES, JNU,Dellhi
- Prof. Ramakrishnan Desikan, Department of Earth Sciences, IIT- Mumbai
- Prof. Vinod Gaur, CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute, Bangalore, Former Secretary, GoI
- Prof. Sandhyakiran, MS University, Baroda
- Prof. Mukund Dev Behra, IIT, Kharagpur
- Dr. Manika Gupta, University of Delhi, Delhi
- Prof. Suresh Manjul, SAC (ISRO), Ahmedabad 380 015
- PK Garg, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun
- Prof. RN Sahoo, IARI, New Delhi
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One-week National workshop has the following objectives
- Provide participants the opportunity to learn about the Remote Sensing Techniques and Hyper-spectral imaging using R, ENVI and PRISM.
- Fundamentals of R and hyper-spectral image processing using R.
- Give the understanding of Hyper-spectral Radiometer calibration, data collection and spectra processing.
- Advanced techniques of Hyper-spectral image processing for Land use/land cover and vegetation monitoring by ENVI
- Introduction to PRISM and hands on mineral identification using Hyper-spectral data.
Identify appropriate techniques for hyper-spectral data analysis and image processing involving wider representation from all sectors in the workshop.