
Redesigning Game

From 29th May to 4th June 2017, Design Innovation Centre, Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, BHU


  • Mr. Bikram Pal (Master student) & Dr. Manish Arora,
  • Dept. of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, BHU


  • date


  • location

    Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts BHU

  • time

    10 AM to 2 PM

Theme and Plan- Redesign Game and Play Therapy

  • Interactive session with children regarding innovative games (redesign games)
  • Analysis of daily problems related with design.
  • Play Therapy
  • Motivational Lecture
  • Role of Design and Innovation in Personality development
  • Generating ideas for problem solving.
  • Implementation of Ideas in prototype form.
  • Evaluation of prototype.
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