Design and development of hot corrosion test facility to study the hot corrosion behavior of metals used in marine environment.
Project Start Date
6 months
Design and development of hot corrosion test facility to study the hot corrosion behavior of metals used in marine environment.
The problem of accelerated corrosion of high temperature marine gas turbine components arises from the presence of salts like sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and vanadium pentaoxide (V2O5) in the combustion chamber. Tiny particles of sodium chloride in the marine atmosphere get ingested with combustion air. Oxidation of sulfur as impurity in the fuel and its subsequent reaction with NaCl results in formation of Na2SO4. Residual vanadium in the fuel is oxidized to V2O5. At present there are no standard test setup are available for hot corrosion studies.The aim of the present project work is to design and develop hot corrosion test setup for laboratory studies up to a temperature of 1000°C using continuous monitoring of weight gain/loss analysis with a facility to test multiple specimens at a time.