Design of novel nanomaterials for sensing application
Project Start Date
• Increasing environmental pollution due to automobiles and industries poses a great challenge for our society.
• Detection of harmful gases such as hydrocarbon, CO2 etc. is required to maintain the eco friendly milieu.
• The change in resistance of nanomaterial due to interaction with such gases can be used for gas sensing application.
• Synthesis of novel nanomaterials such as carbon (CNT and graphene) and metal dichalcogenide (MoS2 and MoSe2) nanostructures.
• Characterization of synthesized nanostructures.
• Investigation of gas sensing properties of these nanostructures
Large scale growth of CNT
• Thin film of grown conducting CNTs can be used as active materia for gas sensing applications.
• One dimensional nature of CNT provides high aspect ratio which may be suitable for sensing application
MoS2 Synthesis and its characterization
• The vertically grown two dimensional MoS2 film on Si substrate can be itself used for gas sensing applications.
• The semiconducting nature of MoS2 can be utilized for gas sensing purpose.
• The change in resistance and the variation in band gap of MoS2 upon nteraction with gases can be utilized for their detection.
• We have successfully synthesized CNT, Graphene, MoS2 and MoSe2nanostructures,which can be utilized for gas sensing application.
• The hexagonal horizontally grown two dimensional MoSe2 film on Si substrate can be itself used for gas sensing applications.
• The semiconducting nature and the variation in band gap of MoSe2 upon interaction with gases can be utilized for their detection.
We have successfully synthesized CNT, Graphene, MoS2 and MoSe2nanostructures,which can be utilized for gas sensing application