Designing a cell based prototype for the high throughput screening of cancer drug
Project Start Date
1 Year
Brief Description of Project
Despite the significant resources being invested in the drug development, total number of effective cancer drugs developed to-date is no significant. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of prototype that can help for the high throughput screening of safe, inexpensive and readily available anti-cancer drug. In the application, be proposed to develop a ‘Cell-based prototype’ for the high-throughput screening of anti-cancer drugs. Thus the proposed study will help identifying potential drug through high-throughput screening in a cost effective manner. We proposed one year for the project within which time a significant progress is anticipated. The completion of the project will lead to development of novel drugs of natural origin that will help for the prevention and treatment of Cancer. The development of the prototype will greatly help in reducing the cost associated with the cancer drug development process.