Developing Android App for real time estimation and visualization of irrigation water demand
Project Start Date
1 Year
Brief Description of Project
The aim of this project is to monitor and display irrigation water demand using the mobile technology. Irrigation water management represents the use of the suitable quantity of water at the proper time and it is usually pursued by combining measurements of soil moisture with an optimised irrigation plan. It will help in conservation of water and nutrients leaching and contamination of groundwater. We intent to set up validation site for development of irrigation scheduling scheme and for establishing threshold for irrigation water demand. We have recently installed a Double Ring Infiltrometer and an automated Soil Moisture and Temperature Recorder. The Double Ring Infiltrometer is most widely used instrument to measure the infiltration rate which determine the amount of water per surface unit area and time unit which penetrates soil and other porous material, widely used in many applications as well as for irrigation scheduling. The Soil Moisture probe measures the dielectric constant of the soil to determine its moisture content and the data logger to record the field based data to use a source for the model.
An android app for estimation and visualization of irrigation water demand