Development of Indigenous low cost expandable cage system for spine surgery in India Population
Project Start Date
1 Year
Brief Description of Project
There are 3 spinal columns (Denis et al). Anterior reconstruction is an important aspect. It is needed in different cases like trauma, tumor and infection like tuberculosis. Traditionally, it is done with autograft and mesh cages. Then came expandable cages but there was problem of subsidence. We proposed expandable cage with end plate support to provide edge loading and reduced subsidence. Initially, morphometric data was collected and analyzed. The material used is standardized medical grade titanium alloy.
Current progress- The initial design underwent a series of changes with respect to end plate shape and thickness. The cage was made in three sizes initially- small, medium and large based on available morphometric data in the literature. The prototype was prepared with steel as it is cheaper. Expandable mechanism was incorporated as standard thread mechanism. The “large” size prototype was discarded as it was too big to fit in and most lumbar spine cases were operated from posterior surgical approach.
Limitations- Reliable removal system needs to be developed for surgical failures.
Future directions- We propose to coat the end plate with hydroxyapatite for better bony incorporation/fusion.
Low cost expandable cage for spinal column reconstruction