
Human Health Risk Assessment Based on Total Concentration and Bio-availability of Contaminants in Urban Dust/Soil

  • Project Start Date


  • Timeline

    6 month

Human Health Risk Assessment Based on Total Concentration and Bio-availability of Contaminants in Urban Dust/Soil
  • To prepare a conceptual site model for site investigation for collection and handling of samples, and to collect the data regarding exposure assessment.
  • Analyze the sample to evaluate contaminant characteristics, concentration, and their pollution index.
  • Assessment of human health risk based on total concentration and bioavailability of contaminant.
  • To suggest a sustainable and green remediation method if required on basis of MCDA (Multicriteria design analysis)
  • To provide a model that can be adopted and implemented for other urban areas to help both residents and the government agencies to take protective measures.

A model of the solution to prevent or reduce the exposure of contaminants to human health by green and sustainable approach on the basis of MCDA.