Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Metal Matrix Glass- Ceramic Composites as new bio implant materials
Project Start Date
The concept of this project is to design and develop a completely biodegradable magnesium based composites for use as an implant material in the human body. The following aspects are primarily the main motivating factors to carryout the research work in this field
1. Non load bearing class of bone implants are not bio degradable and hence poses a challenge of post healing surgery for the removal of implant materials as they might pose a danger of cytotoxicity for the bone tissue and human cells
2.Magnesium based alloys and composites proves to be a viable solution to the problem, but due to high degradation rates lack the necessary time duration required for bone healing.
3. This requires both improving corrosion resistance of the bone implants as well as increasing the bio activity of the implant material for the bone healing purposes.
4. Optimization of corrosion rates and bio activity are the main focuses throughout the experiments while keeping care of stress shielding effects as compared to the bones.
In this study Metal-ceramic composites were prepared by powder metallurgy route. The microstructures of the composites showed that the distribution of bioactive glass and β – TCP were evenly distributed on the surface. In–vitro studies revealed that the metallic alloy also has the ability to induce formation of carbonated apatite layer on the surface of the sample. Also, increase in percentages of BAG and β – TCP in the composites, showed more porosity and apatite forming ability.
The degradation properties in SBF solution were investigated through corrosion rates measurements by measuring the degradation masses. This scenario revealed that with approximately 10 % BAG and 10 % β – TCP composite with metallic alloy resulted in reduction of the corrosion rate for the initial immersion periods.
• The first suggestion for future work is to optimization degradation rate and establish the exact composition range in which the corrosion properties are better.
• After that the developed samples must be tested for the cell compatibility test (cell behavior analysis).
• Wear testing of the samples is also required to be done.
• The optimized samples can be taken for the clinical testing scenarios.
• If results come out to be favorable, the fabricated biodegradable bone implants must be optimized on the cost scenarios so as to make them available for the common public.
• Many other applications of biodegradable metals may be possible.