
Kalakshar 2017

National Seminar cum Workshop Kalakshar ” Design and Innovation in Indian Culture in terms of Language, Art and Technology”

Thursday, 9th to Saturday, 11thNovember, 2017


  • Prof. Santosh Kshirsagar, DEAN, Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai
  • Prof. Shubhanand G. Jog, Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai
  • Shri Kabir Tambe, Ex-Alumni, Sir J.J. Institute of Applied ArtsMumbai
  • date


  • location

    Department of Applied Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts BHU

  • time

    10 AM to 4 PM

Kalakshar 2017 will provide a platform, where language, art and technology in relevant to Writing ‘entailing of the use of words in a structural stance’, Calligraphy ‘the art of producing decorative Handwriting with tools (pen, pencil or brush etc.)’ and Typography ‘technology helps to revitalize the art of calligraphy in the form of fonts, typography etc.’. All in together can be discussed and worked by specialist, beginner and curious work on the same ground on the proposed areas of typography, to be conspired in the society.


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