
Street Scaping

from 13th January 2018, at Design Café, Design Innovation Centre BHU

  • Prof. Joy Sen
  • Prof. R.S. Singh
  • Dr. Swasti Mishra
  • Dr. Manish Arora
  • date


  • location

    Design Innovation Centre, BHU

  • time

    11 AM to 3 PM

DIC BHU organized a one day workshop with the team of IIT- Kharagpur on theme to prepare a layout of street scaping on selected three Ghat Tulsi Ghat, Tejsingh Ghat and Riwa Ghat on selected three theme developed by our team as follows:

  • first one contains ‘Sangeet parampara’ of Varanasi,
  • second one is on the ‘spiritual legacy’ of Kashi
  • third one is the eternal symbol – Swastika, which may be used as a Ribbon design to tie one location with the next…
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