GPS based position locator for disaster management.

Project PI: DR. M. K .Mesram and Dr. K. V.Srinivas Department of Electronics Engineering

Project Start: 01/06/2018

Timeline: 6 months

Design and development of hot corrosion test facility to study the hot corrosion behavior of metals used in marine environment.

Project PI: Dr. G. S. Mahobia Department of Metallurgy Engineering

Project Start: 01/06/2018

Timeline: 6 months

Development of advanced membrane for fuel cell.

Project PI: Prof. PralayMaiti School of Material Science

Project Start: 01/06/2018

Timeline: 6 months

Development of Facile “Floating Film Technique” for Formation of Organic Thin Film for Large Area Organic Electronic Devices.

Project PI: Prof. Rajiv Prakash School of Material Science

Project Start: 01/06/2018

Timeline: 6 months

Smart Pet Collar

Project PI: Dr. Suneel Yadav, ECE Deptt.

Project Start: 01/07/2017

Timeline: 6 month

Drone for Disaster Management Applications.

Project PI: Dr. Suneel Yadav, ECE Deptt.

Project Start: 01/07/2016

Timeline: 6 month