
Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Metal Matrix Glass- Ceramic Composites as new bioimplant materials.

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  • Timeline

    6 months

Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Metal Matrix Glass- Ceramic Composites as new bioimplant materials.

The rapid growth of the global population is leading to an increased demand for implants for bone dysfunction caused by diseases such as arthritis and cancer. Metal-based implants have a higher Young’s modulus than bones, which leads to stress shielding. Metal implants also have poor biocompatibility, which is necessary to promote the growth of natural tissue. The ceramic coating on the titanium, improves the surface bioactivity, but often flakes off as a result of poor ceramic/metal interface bonding, which may cause the surgery to fail. The aim of the proposal will be to develop titanium based alloy composites by incorporation of HA and bio active glasses as new bio implant materials.