UoA Ongoing Project
Mobile based app for girls safety in university campus
Project PI: Dr. Awadh Bihari Yadav & Mr Manish Kumar Chaurasia [Teachers Project]
Project Start: 01/07/2018
Timeline: 6 month
Study of medicinal properties of mushroom extract loaded nano-particles
Project PI: Dr. Awadh Bihari Yadav [Teachers Project]
Project Start: 01/07/2018
Timeline: 6 month
Detection of MAGE as prognostic marker in Tumorigenesis of lung cancer
Project PI: Dr. Munish Kumar [Teachers Project]
Project Start: 01/07/2018
Timeline: 6 month
Fabrication of biodegradable sanitary Napkin
Project PI: Dr. Awadh Bihari Yadav Centre of Biotechnology, University of Allahabad [Teachers Project]
Project Start: 01/07/2018
Timeline: 6 month
Fabrication of prototype for chitosan nano-particles preparation by gelation method
Project PI: Dr. Awadh Bihari Yadav Centre of Biotechnology, University of Allahabad [Teachers Project]
Project Start: 01/07/2018
Timeline: 6 month
An Automated Solar Sickle
Project PI: Mohit Kumar Singh Sengar
Project Start: 20/10/2017
Timeline: 10 Month
Metrological predictions and assessment of nature disaster risk in an area RAAHAT android
Project PI: Siva Balendu
Project Start: 10/10/2017
Timeline: 11 Month